Monday, April 30, 2012

Is it a good thing or a God thing?

I have had quite an introspective few days. God has been teaching me a lot about the following emotions:
  • jealousy
  • isolation
  • fear of failure
  • perserverence
  • anxiety/worry
I woke up this morning and I had that old feeling of sadness that used to get me all the time. I have connected that feeling of morning sadness, for the most part, to guilt for what I ate the day before, a hopelessness that I could never change my life. But this morning, I connected it to a hopelessness that I couldn't sustain this change in my life.

Recognizing that my mind is a battlefield has been a big revelation for me. Joyce Meyers has a book called "Battlefield of the Mind" that I am reading for the 2nd time right now. I am choosing God in these moments of desperation, when my old choices used to make me sick. Anything I choose over God will make me sick. These things become our idols and at some point, leave us emptier than when we began. They can be other people, food, alcohol, tv, work, busyness, depression, you can fill in the blank for whatever yours is. Even church can be an idol when it takes the place of Jesus Himself.

See, there are a LOT of good things I can do. Church is a good thing. Friends are a good thing. Exercise is a good thing. But none of these are God. And I can't put God in front of them. Think about your life as a pie. Not that kind of pie...a pie CHART. Do you put God into a little sliver of that pie chart? Is He 5%? Does He squeeze in somewhere between work and family? Is He 0.5% because that's all you have left?

Shouldn't God be the whole pie chart? Shouldn't He be the One in every single part of my life? He did give it to me, after all. Why is He getting my leftovers? What if I gave it to Him and let Him deal with all these emotions that wage war in my mind? The whole pie, where all those emotions like to dig into...not just leftovers.

Leftover pie...shoot. Now that's a visual I need to scare away. Thanks a lot.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nobody believes you, Bruno Mars.

Girl you're amazing, just the way you are. Thanks for the sentiment, Bruno Mars, but no one believes it.

I was talking with a friend at work the other day and she told me that she had talked to another lady at the gym, went up to her, and said "I want your body!"

No, not like that. In the sense of, whatever she is doing to keep in shape like that, my friend wants to do. That is, in my opinion, a healthy response. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought about how all of us, all of us, have an unhealthy response in terms of comparing ourselves to others.

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and said "Finally I am perfect! There is nothing about my body that I would change, I look amazing, just the way I am."

Not lately? Not ever? Yeah, me neither.

Maybe the problem isn't our bodies. Maybe it's our hearts. Maybe we are looking at ourselves through the wrong lens. What if we started looking at ourselves as God sees us, ladies?

  • Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit that lives in you. Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you (1 Corinthians 6:19)?
  • You are a new creation in Christ. So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has passed away--look, what is new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17)!
  • You are chosen, holy, and blameless before God. For he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world that we may be holy and unblemished in his sight in love (Ephesians 1:4).
  • You are God's workmanship. For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them (Ephesians 2:10).
  • You have been chosen by God, and you are holy and beloved. Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12).
I could go on and on. If you want more reasons to love the person in the mirror, read Psalm 139. Do you read God's word like the love letter to you that it is? Or do you read it like it's a school fast as possible so you can move on to the next thing?

When I compare myself to someone else, I am saying to God that what He created is ugly. Unlovable. Unworthy. Not as good as someone else. Do you see how messed up that is? You have been given this life because you are strong enough to live it. What is God trying to teach you in the midst of your storms? Maybe that storm is between you and your mirror. So what is God trying to show you?

Keep working out. Keep pursuing health. Keep honoring God with your body. And believe God (and Bruno Mars) when He tells you that you're amazing, just the way you are. Because that, my beautiful friends, is the truth.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Road Less Traveled

I had a very interesting day. Two big things happened, and I can't tell which is more newsworthy.

Ok, so this first picture is of me with some of my high school friends doing some team building activities today. The notable thing in this picture is, shorts.

I have had these shorts for a while. Mostly as a joke for skits about working out and wearing too-tight clothes. See, I could never wear shorts like this. And if I did. I couldn't move at all in them for fear of splitting my shorts. Most embarrassing moment.

But now, I can. This is a crazy thing to me. I have always worn LONG shorts. Boy shorts. Because they hide my legs. Now I am finding, all this working out is paying off and my legs look...tough. They are going to get tougher, but they are already taking shape. This is a crazy thing, my friends. To hide your body your whole life and then be ok to show off, even if it's just legs...this is victory. My joke about becoming more promiscuous as I lose weight just might not be a joke anymore.

Just kidding, Mom.

The other big thing that happened today? I ran 6 miles. Down this trail. The American Tobacco Trail. It can be boring, it can be monotonous. But for me today, it was a time for reflection with me and Jesus. As I was running, I was thinking about where I came from, what I have been doing to get where I am, and the things that I think now that I NEVER thought I would think.

Could I ever not sit on the couch and snack while watching tv? Could I ever stop going to food for comfort? Could I ever enjoy exercising and not just want it to be done? Could I ever see God in the midst of all of this?

It's amazing how God has taken me on a road that I never thought I would travel. I don't know when it happened, or when my heart changed, but things are moving from my head to my heart, and this is a victory.

It's time to travel down a new road.  Let's do it together. I'm really fun on road trips. Try me.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Sometimes, you're just...done.

I am in a funk. And I am writing about it publicly. Because privately, too many of us struggle with the lows but publicly, we only declare the highs.

I am in a low. A serious low.

Today, I want to eat everything in sight. Today, I want to get a pizza from Salvio's and feel so full and satisfied and done. Today, I want to be done. Today I'm just...done.

This blog post doesn't have a happy ending or a revelation or an insight. This blog post is just a confession to remind me that the lows are still here. I have done so much and have gone so far, but today is a struggle. Today is a reminder that I am in a battle. There is something going on my mind that isn't reality, and there is a battle for me to believe that I am worth it and I can do this.

So what am I supposed to do? I have no idea. I think about the long-term future of this healthy eating thing and it makes me more exhausted than I can explain. I can't allow myself to think about that too much because it overwhelms me to where I want to quit.

So what am I going to do? I'm going to go to sleep pretty soon and pray that tomorrow will be a better day, that God would take away this funk I am in, and that I would find my joy again. This was a crappy post for me to write, but I hope that my honesty in this valley will encourage you to be honest when you're in your valley. Maybe you're already there. If so, you're right beside me, and I am whispering in your ear "This is temporary and we are going to find a way out."


Sunday, April 15, 2012

The kissy-face reality

Ok, so this post is not weight related. SHOCKER! But it is, however, heart-related. And to me, all of those things are the same.

This morning before church, I checked out Facebook. (Come on, those are your priorities, too.) As much as I wish I didn't stalk people on Facebook, I do. It never makes me feel better, but it's this awkward thing you can't help but watch.

It seems like today, more than usual, there was an abundance of girls in the following types of pictures:
  1. Skinny arm, leg pop
  2. Tight black dresses that leave nothing to the imagination
  3. Next to bottles of alcohol or shot glasses
  4. Kissy face/duck face/peace sign/bathroom mirror

For more examples, visit
(watch out for inappropriate language)

I won't go on, because I will clearly become a judgmental jerk. I made this my facebook status this morning and quickly removed it:

"I wish that every single girl I know would realize their worth and that they were created in the image of God."

I still want this to happen, more than anything. But I didn't want that to be my fb status. Does it cast judgment and will someone take it the wrong way? Probably. But I have to be honest to all of my lady friends...can we PLEASE stop taking the same picture 10,000 ways? Can we go back to the days where we made ridiculous faces and didn't care about our double chin or our saggy underarm or the angle of our photo? Can we dress comfortably and protect our guy friends by not showing our boobs to the world? Can we wear baggy t-shirts and not cut them up to show our shoulders or our stomachs?

Imagine what a GREAT world that would be. (If you're as old as me, you remember that high school was JUST LIKE THAT and it was GLORIOUS. I miss the 90s.)

Girls, I have to tell you...what we are putting out on Facebook and Twitter these days, it's not cute. It's not portraying us as who we really are: beautiful, perfect daughters of God Himself, created in His image to show His creativity and beauty to the world. You are not an object, you are not a thing, you should not be drawing lines on your bodies telling guys that they can have this or that. You are better than that.

We are BETTER than that! If Facebook is supposed to represent who we really are, than we have some serious renovations to do. Who's with me?


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Feeling left out?

Today I met a friend for lunch at a restaurant that I would old friend. This particular restaurant has a bakery, with cupcakes that are THE BOMB. In fact, I used to drop by this restaurant at night and order dinner to go, only so I could justify the purchase of a six pack of cupcakes. I would go home, watch tv, mindlessly eat the dinner, and then eat cupcakes until I was painfully full. Sometimes that was 4. Sometimes it was 6. Yes...6 cupcakes. I just did the math on the calorie count for those cupcakes. Each one is 360 calories.

So on a particularly lonely night, that would add up to 2,160 calories. Of cupcakes.

I used to feel left out a lot. In the beginning of this journey, I would look around at restaurants of people eating whatever they want. I would go to the grocery store and resist the candy aisle. I would see people at concession stands, drive-thrus, parties, and work events just eating...whatever they want. Why can't I do that too? I felt SO LEFT OUT. It's not fair that they get to eat whatever they want and I don't.

But here's what I have realized today, as I was sitting in the middle of a restaurant that was a BAD old friend to me. It's not that I can't eat what I's that what I WANT TO EAT is now so much different. What I wanted to eat in my old life was a temporary sugar high to make me feel better. What I wanted to eat in my old life was something to stuff down my real feelings.

What I want to eat now, however, is something to keep me healthy and strong. What I want to eat right now is food that I won't abuse, that won't become the center of my life, and that I can enjoy without letting it be the center of my world.

I guess it's hard to admit that food was the center of my life. But if I'm honest, I have to admit that so I can move on from it. And today, at lunch with my friend, I didn't feel left out from the others around me eating whatever they wanted. I felt empowered that I was able to choose my health over my cravings.

And honestly...don't we all deserve that for ourselves?


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The moment you know you're successful...

Ok, so, lately I have been it possible that I am actually doing this? I have lost 66 pounds, and there are moments that I still wonder if I am being successful. Is anyone reading my blog? Am I helping anyone? Am I making a difference? Then...I got this fb message and it answered my questions. It also made me cry.

Before you read it, I want you to think about how YOU can change the lives of people around you. Your way will be different than mine, but it will be the way that works for you and the people in your life. I have beaten over the head lately with the fact that people need encouragement, and it is my job to do that. It's your job too. Now check out this great message:

Hey Liz! I have been reading your blog recently and literally everything you write I can relate to. I always thought I was the only one who felt all those feelings. Knowing that I'm not alone makes me feel so much better. I have tried weight loss programs before but have always come back to my old ways. I am so frusterated because I want to be healthy but it's just so hard when I have had so many "relapses" before. I feel like why eould it work for me now when it didnt in the past?Recently, I have been feeling extra upset about my self image. I just wish it was easy to get healthy. I get overwhelmed just thinking about exercising! Anyways, I am sooo inspired by your incredible weight loss journey. I have always looked up to you and now I do even more!! I was wondering how you got started? I feel like i might be ready to change. I'm sick of feeling like this. Thank you for blogging about your journey. you really have inspired me! Keep up your amazing work! I miss you!!

What is your journey that needs to be shared with the world? Trust me, it's something. And trust me in this...we are successful when we let people into our lives. When we love people through pain, and love them afterwards. When we let ourselves be loved by others, especially when it hurts.


Monday, April 9, 2012

"You look skinny..."

Today is an epic day. For most people, it's a common, everyday thing. But for me, today is the first day that I have ever done this:

I shopped at Marshall's, found a dress, tried it on, loved it, and bought it.

I shopped somewhere that regular women shop. It wasn't online where you can get plus sizes, it wasn't at a store specifically made for larger women, and it wasn't the dress I had to buy because I had no other options that would fit me.

I was with two of my best friends, and we were shopping. We were talking about colors and fabrics and cuts and fit and prices and labels and where we could wear outfits to. I was being...a girl. Is this what it's like to go shopping with your friends? This is something I have never experienced.

I know that sounds crazy. But imagine it. Would you want to go shopping with your girlfriends when you can't fit into anything in the store? On the rare occasion that I would go shopping with friends, you could find me in the earrings section, or the hats, or any other accessory in which size didn't matter. But most of the time, you would find me waiting outside, or in the bookstore next door, or any other place that I felt like I could fit in and I didn't have sales girls judging me, thinking "Why is she in here? We have nothing that fits her..."

But not today. Today is a big step. Today is a milestone. Today is a day that I stepped into a dressing room, tried on a sleeveless black dress, and was surprised. Pleasantly. I look different now. I can wear something sleeveless without a sweater over it.

To top off this epic of the little girls at our after school, Penelope, looked up at me and said "You look skinny." She's ten, and has no concept yet of being a complimentary, encouraging friend, even when it might not be true. That's why I know things are changing. And that's why this feeling tastes sweeter than any food I can turn to for comfort.

Come on, world. We're making moves.
